How launching with Facebook ads will create your best year in Business

How launching with Facebook ads will create your best year in Business

Elevate your business to new heights this year with insights from me, a Facebook ads expert. Discover how paid advertising can significantly widen your reach, targeting an audience that's genuinely interested in your courses. Facebook ads not only expand your visibility but also help you build a valuable email list, enabling continuous sales even after your initial launch.

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5 Signs you are Ready for Facebook Ads

5 Signs you are Ready for Facebook Ads

Want to invest in Facebook ads to scale your business, but feeling a bit scared to waste your hard-earned money? Heard some frightful stories from business owners who lost thousands on ads? They probably didn't know what they were doing, or their business wasn't ready for it.

Yes, there is such a thing as BEING READY for ads. Today I'm sharing five signs that you are ready to invest in Facebook ads and get a beautiful return on your investment.

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iOS 14: What it Means for your Facebook Advertising Strategy and How to Navigate the Changes.

iOS 14: What it Means for your Facebook Advertising Strategy and How to Navigate the Changes.

One of the most talked-about changes so far this year has been Apple’s iOS 14 update, particularly how it impacts business advertising campaigns.

This update has been and will continue to affect every single business that runs ad campaigns for leads or sales across social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest.

Don’t sweat. I will run you through what these changes are, how they will affect social media advertising and what you can do to adapt to and make the best of these changes so your business can still reach its advertising goals.

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5 Things you should NEVER do in your Facebook Ads

5 Things you should NEVER do in your Facebook Ads

And what to do instead

If you want to get your ads approved by Facebook, and clicked by your audience, then make sure you don't make any of these 5 mistakes.

They are surefire ways to get your ads ignored by your audience, or worse, disapproved by Facebook.

By the way, these 5 things apply to any business, regardless of industry.

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3 Steps to get started with Facebook ads for e-commerce

3 Steps to get started with Facebook ads for e-commerce

Why some eCommerce stores thrive and others struggle to make sales online?

If you've been watching others making sales and would LOVE to get a slice of that creamy pie, then this will help you get started on the right foot.

To simply publish some ads without knowing what you're doing is a sure way to burn your money. Instead, do these 3 things first.

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Increase your e-Commerce Sales through Online Product Optimization

Increase your e-Commerce Sales through Online Product Optimization

One of the fastest ways to increase your eCommerce sales is to improve your website conversion rates. And it’s easier than you think.

In this interview with Sarah Quinn, co-founder of Talk Shop Retail, we discuss:

- Sarah’s top tips to improve how you showcase your products on your website to drive more sales.

- How to improve your online customer experience, so they spend more time on your website and become a customer.

- How to translate the in-person shopping experience into your e-commerce website, so your customers fall in love with your brand.

These are super practical tips you can implement today!

Tune in.

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3 Ways to Make your Facebook Ads Stand Out

3 Ways to Make your Facebook Ads Stand Out

If you're investing your hard-earned money on Facebook ads, you definitely want to cut through the noise and reach the hearts and wallets of your audience, get them to stand out, and get people to take action.

Today I’m sharing 3 ways to make your ads stand out.

In all honesty, if you you miss one of this elements, you’ll probably not going to get the results you hoped for.

Watch, listen or read.

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