5 Reasons to Launch a Digital Product using Facebook Ads
/If you have been wanting or trying to scale your business using digital products but have found it difficult to sell them over and over again, today's video/blog is for you.
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5 Reasons to Launch a Digital Product using Facebook Ads.
Hi, if we haven’t met yet, I'm Fernanda, I'm an expert in Facebook Ads and the founder of FAB Marketing Agency.
I have been helping small business owners to scale their business for the last six years using the power of digital paid ads.
Today I want to talk to you about five reasons to launch your digital course using Facebook Ads.
1- Facebook Ads allow you to build an audience fast.
The number one reason why you should be using Facebook Ads to share digital courses and scale your business is fantastic is because Facebook Ads allow you to build an audience fast.
So rather than having to show up on social media and networking events and try all sort of organic methods which use a lot of your time.
Facebook Ads allow you to do it a lot faster and we know that to sell digital courses you're not going to sell to everybody in your audience.
We're talking here about small percentages, so you always need to keep on bringing in more people into your audience nurture those people to then be able to sell a digital course to them.
2- It helps attract the RIGHT people.
The second reason I find Facebook Ads really help people sell their digital courses is because it helps attract the right people.
You don't just need a large audience you need the right people in your audience. In fact I would say the having the right people is more important than having a large audience.
You can have thousands and thousands of people in your audience but if they are not the right people, they will never buy from you.
So it doesn't matter what you do to sell digital courses to them they're just not going to buy it. Now we know the Facebook Ads capabilities are second to none and you can target people in your niche in a much easier way.
And Facebook Ads will put your ads in front of the right people if you know how to do it and if your messaging is right.
3- Your Launch Becomes Predictable
Now the reason number three is that it puts you in control of your launch and your launch becomes predictable. Once your launch your digital course using Facebook Ads once twice three times and so on.
You can start looking back at your data and start making predictions. So if you now know that your webinar or your challenge converts let's say at 5% you can start calculating how many people you need to register for your free event in order to make the sales that you want.
So that becomes predictable and it puts the control back in your hands.
4 - It Gives You Back Your Time And Your Freedom.
The number four is it gives you back your time and your freedom.
And that's most likely the reason you even started your business in the first place. So once again instead of having to show up everywhere all the time.
You can just create key pieces of content that will really nurture and attract the right people to you to your launch and automate it all.
You can be out at a cafe with a friend and your content and your ads I still running and being seen by the right audience and attracting them to your launch. Freeing up a lot of your time.
5- It's Scalable.
Now, last but not least it's scalable. So, once you figure out how much money you need to spend to get the return that you want and you understand your figures and your data, you can finally scale your digital course launch.
If you want to know more about scaling your business and launching a digital course using Facebook ads, go ahead and download my free three Facebook ads that you need for a highly successful launch. I see you next time.
If you want to launch a digital product using Facebook ads, you can download my free guide here or get in touch and let’s have a chat.
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