The Real Reasons Your Course Isn't Selling

Over the past seven years, I've helped many businesses achieve their best results with Facebook and Instagram ads.

In this post, I’ll reveal why your course might not be selling and how to fix it. The issue often lies not in the content or price but in having an effective sales funnel and marketing system.

Learn how to optimize your funnel, attract more leads with Facebook ads, and present your course to solve your audience’s problems effectively.

Watch the video or read the transcript if you prefer.

Are you struggling to sell your online course? Hello, I’m Fernanda, a seasoned Facebook Ads Specialist with seven years of experience in boosting business success through targeted advertising.

In this insightful blog, We’re going to dive deep into the common misconceptions about why courses fail to sell, such as content issues or pricing concerns. Instead, she highlights the real culprits—ineffective sales funnels, poor market positioning, and insufficient lead generation.

Discover how you can transform your sales strategy with a robust funnel that not only attracts the right leads but also effectively converts them.

The real reason no one's buying your course? Hmm, let's fix it. I've helped many businesses in various industries to reach their best months and years in business using the power of Facebook and Instagram ads. And today I want to share with you the real reason why people are not buying your course and how you can fix it. Most people think that their course isn't selling because of the course content or the price.

What I hear many people saying is like, oh maybe my course isn't right, maybe I should change the course. Maybe it's the course name or I think it's too pricey.

I should give a discount. I should lower the price. That's not right. And yet there is another reason why people think that their course not selling.

I haven't got the right audience. No one in my audience wants my course. That's the third reason I hear. But that's usually not true. Here are the real reasons.

Why people are not buying your course.

1- You don't have a reliable sales funnel or a marketing system to actually sell your course to your audience to attract the right leads to put them through your funnel and to sell your course.

Most of the time when I talk to entrepreneurs and course creators, they're not selling their course because they don't have a reliable sales funnel, or marketing system to sell the courses.

It has nothing to do with the course or the price or the audience. To fix this problem what you need is to put in place a sales funnel.

You need to think about your whole customer journey and how they are going to go through each step, how those steps make sense to lead them from having a problem to solving the problem with your solution which is your course.

So that's what you need to do to fix this problem which is the number one. But that's not the only reason why people might not be buying your course.

If you do have a sales funnel in place and you're thinking well I do have one and I'm still not selling my course.

2- Your sales funnel doesn't convert.

Sales funnels are not a set-and-forget type of thing. You need to set up your funnel and then you need to test your funnel.

And see which steps are working and where people are stopping and dropping off. You need to find the holes and the gaps in your sales funnel and you need to plug them.

And for that you need to assess every step of your funnel and see where people are dropping off. To test that you need enough people going through your funnel.

3- You may not have enough leads going through your funnel.

We know that for any course the sales percentage sits around 2% to 10%.

So now you can look at your audience and see if you have enough leads going through your funnel to make the number of sales that you desire.

And if you don't have enough leads going through your funnel, well guess what can help? Yes Facebook ads can help you attract the right leads to go through your funnel to see if your funnel converts.

The 3 Facebook Ads You Need for a 5 or 6-Figure Launch

4- You don't have a proven offer.

The four reason why your course may not be selling is that you don't have a proven offer.

And that sometimes doesn't have much to do with the content in your course, but how you package and sell it to the market, sell it to your audience.

What kind of message are you sending to them? What kind of problem you're stating that you solve? And what kind of outcome your audience will have if they buy your course?

Usually, it comes down to those two specific things. And not so much about what the content is inside of your course.

So if you haven't sold your course before to anybody or perhaps you sold to a few people who really really know you and trust you.

You don't yet have a proven offer. And you're gonna have to market this offer with a sales funnel that converts to check whether your offer converts at all.

5- You keep reinventing the wheel.

I always say if you had a launch and your launch didn't convert and didn't sell as much as you expected or didn't sell at all, don't throw the baby out with the water. Check your funnel, assess all of your numbers and all of your data and see what you can change and tweak for your next launch.

So this is what you should be doing. You should be doing changes and improvements and launching again. So then you can find out which steps are working and what is not working and then fix that only. Because every time you reinvent the wheel and launch something completely different, you don't get the opportunity to assess your funnel and assess what is working and what is not working.

So you might actually be repeating the same mistakes every time and reinventing the wheel in the process, doing something completely different and yet not selling your course. So those are my five real reasons why people might not be buying your course.

If you are planning on selling your course membership or program this year I would love for you to come to my free masterclass 'Sell out your course using Facebook ads' where I'm going to show you my exact strategy and ad stack to sell out courses online using Facebook and Instagram ads.

If you're launching your course this year go ahead and download my 3 Facebook ads for 5 and 6 figure launch. It's free.

If you want to launch a digital product using Facebook ads, you can download my free guide here or get in touch and let’s have a chat. 

I hope to see you there.