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Lose your Fear of Facebook Ads and Run Ads that Make Money

For the past seven years, I've helped entrepreneurs and small businesses achieve their best results with Facebook ads. In this article, I’ll show you how to overcome your fear of Facebook ads and run profitable campaigns.

We'll cover key strategies such as adopting a test-and-learn approach, starting with a small budget, and thinking long-term. By the end of this post, you'll understand how to integrate Facebook ads into your broader marketing strategy and confidently run campaigns that drive results. Let's get started!

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How to overcome a fear of Facebook ads and run profitable ads for yourself. Hi, I'm Fernanda. I'm a certified Facebook Ads specialist and the founder of FAB marketing Agency.

And for the last 7 years I've been helping entrepreneurs and small business reach their biggest month and years in business.

Using Facebook ads. And today I want to share with how to lose your fear of Facebook ads and run ads to make you money.

1- Test approach.

Now I have been running ads for many many years and I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars in ads.

So one thing I can tell you for sure, everything about ads is testable. Test your ads. Test your images. Your graphics. Your copy. Your videos.

Take a curious approach to your advertising. Just like with all of your marketing what you should be doing is you should be trying and testing different things.

Most people when they post some social media, they test. They try one type of post, another type of post and they see which one gets more engagement.

And then they start doing the ones that get more engagement. So things aren't different for you ads. You should not expect to put one ad out there and or either works or it doesn't work at all.

You can test different ads, different, campaigns, different objectives, different target audiences. And not just you can, you should.

This is all experts and professionals like me, do when we run campaigns. We test every element to see what works best.

2- You can't break it.

You can try everything on the ads manager and honestly you won't break it. Tomorrow you're going to log in again and it is going to be there.

So you don't need to be afraid of trying different things pressing different buttons and selecting different alternatives because you will not be able to break the Facebook ads manager.

And just thinking about it, my help you relieve some of the anxiety about earning your own ads. Now that brings me to number 3.

3- Learn from an experienced professional.

If you don't know what you're doing, if you don't know how to use the Facebook ads manager, learn from an experienced professional who can help you teach you and show you exactly how to do to run profitable ads.

I know. So when you're looking at a professional to help you, check that credibility, that experience what previous clients have to say about this person and learn from a professional.

If today I want to learn how to run um YouTube ads, I wouldn't just try and do it myself. I would buy a course or hire a professional to teach me how to do it.

And so you can do the same.

The 3 Facebook Ads You Need for a 5 or 6-Figure Launch

4- Taking a long strategy approach.

Another way to overcome your fear of facebook ads is taking a long strategy approach. So when I look at ads I never think about quick wins.

I always go to the long term strategy. How can ads build your brand and your business over time? So you would be looking at testing different things using it for a lead magnet, building your brand and your branding trust.

Because if you're looking at only running a very short company and making a big profit out of it, it rarely works.

So when you look at your ads consider it how you can use it for a long term strategy to help your business grow over time.

5- Consider it one tool in your marketing mix.

Next consider it one tool in your marketing mix. You shouldn’t rely on any one particular market tool or marketing tactic to grow your business.

You shouldn't be relying solely on social media or solely on SEO or solely on networking events. And definitely not solely on Facebook ads.

So if you're gonna use Facebook ads for your business, you don't ditch everything else and just run ads. Your Facebook ads need to fit in your whole marketing strategy and be one of the tools that you're using to grow your business.

So if things aren't going according to plan with your Facebook ads, that's okay because you have all the marketing tactics already working for you.

Facebook ads will only help amplify what is already working in your business. It will help you reach more people, put your brand new front of more eyes and help you grow faster.

But it shouldn't be the only marketing tactic in your tool box, You should be still using a number of different marketing tools and tactics to grow your business.

6- Start with a small budget.

And last but not least, start with a small budget. So if you are afraid of using Facebook ads and losing a ton of, money, well don't put a huge budget into it.

Start with a small budget, test things, change, improve, and when everything is working for you, that's when you can increase the budget to amplify the ads and the campaigns that are working already.

Facebook makes it super easy for you to get started. With a very small budget even $2 a day, can help you run campaigns and put your brand in front of the right target audience and start building your business and your campaigns from there. If you would like to get started with Facebook ads, but don't know how.

I have three free resources that can help you start on the right foot. Whether you are a cost creator, a service provider or have any common stores.

If you have any questions send them to me, otherwise, go ahead and download my three Facebook ads for a five and six figure launch.

If you want to launch a digital product using Facebook ads, you can download my free guide here or get in touch and let’s have a chat.

So feel free to go and download one of them and get started today with your Facebook ads.