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Do Facebook Ads Still Work?

Do Facebook ads still work? That's a question I've been hearing a lot recently. The truth is a lot of things have changed in the last few years and today I'm gonna show you what you need to do to get your ads working.

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Hi, I'm Fernanda, I'm a certified Facebook ads expert and for the last seven years I've been helping businesses achieve their best months and years in business using Facebook and Instagram ads. 

And today I'm going to address the question, do Facebook ads still work? Here is the problem, everybody has been doing Facebook ads wrong.

Yes, everybody, or most people perhaps. But most people who I talk to, Facebook ads managers, VAs, your staff, yourself, everybody, yes everybody have been doing Facebook ads wrong.

Back in 2016, 2017, 2018, thereabouts, you could put any ad out there and they would work beautifully. And that's what people were doing. 

They were creating very average meh ads, putting it out there with their offer, with whatever they are offering to a cold audience who never heard about them, and it would work. 

People would buy, people would subscribe, people would come to webinars. Things were new, and there was not so much competition online.

And that's why they worked so well back then. So as I said, anyone, pretty much anyone who could create the most average boring ad, put it out there with a freebie, their webinar, their offers, gosh even their products, their paid products, and they would sell and they would make a profit. 

But things have changed, the market has become more savvy, and the competition has increased a lot. 

Why? Because people could see other businesses making a huge profit using Facebook ads. 

So everybody jumped on board and decided to take a piece of this very yummy pie. Now, why they have changed and what you need to do to get your ads working. So here is what everybody should be doing and they should have been doing for years.

But right now this is imperative if you want to see great results with your Facebook ads. You need to build your know, like, and trust. 

The 3 Facebook Ads You Need for a 5 or 6-Figure Launch

Yes, I know, groundbreaking, but hear me out. Would Taylor Swift sell stadiums full of people if she wasn’t known, liked, and trusted? The answer is no, and it takes time to build know, like, and trust.

Yes, you can accelerate it with ads. So, instead of only using ads to sell and to build your audience, I want you to start thinking about what kind of content you can promote using ads that will position YOU as the go-to person in your industry.

What kind of thought leadership content can you advertise to attract an audience and build trust fast? So it's not that Facebook ads don't work, but it's that people need more touch points with you. 

They need to have higher trust level to now buy from you. And I'm not talking just about one ad, but a sequence of ads, where people see one ad and then they get retargeted by a sequence of other ads, which all together create that trust. Now, ok, you don't need to wait years or decades to have that connection built, you can do it much faster using a series of ads that position you as the expert in your industry.

If you want to deep dive more into this concept and understand how you can use it to your advantage, I would love to invite you for my upcoming masterclass, Sell Out Your Digital Course Using Facebook Ads. 

If you’re interested in participating, register now, and I'll see you there.

If you have any questions send them to me, otherwise, go ahead and download my three Facebook ads for a five and six figure launch.

If you want to launch a digital product using Facebook ads, you can download my free guide here or get in touch and let’s have a chat.

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