FAB Marketing

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How to create content that attracts, engages and sells

Do you want to build a highly successful business?

Whatever your idea of success, the #1 marketing strategy that can help you achieve it is Content. Yep! Not kidding.

However, it takes time and a good strategy to create content that really propels your business forward and helps you kick those big goals.

In case you are wondering how to create a content strategy, here’s some valuable information to help you do just that.

Download the Ultimate Content Planner here, and never be caught without something awesome to share.



1-      Set goals.

Set your goals. What are you trying to achieve?

Being very clear on your goals will help you define the steps you need to take to achieve them.

·         Promote a particular service or product.

·         Build your email list.

·         Build trust in your market.

·         Educate your audience about your services

·         Promote yourself as the “go to person” in your niche, etc.

·         Improve your search ranking in Google.

Each and every piece of content you create must have a goal. You will get better results and you will find easier to decide what type of content to create.

Think about your content as an engaging presentation of your products and services, with the aim of educating your market (NOT selling), provide information, and create the so important know, like and trust effect.


2 - Type of Content

The second thing to decide is what type of content you will create. 

Consider the type of content your target audience prefers to receive and consume.

Also, think about what's easier and faster for you to create. If you feel uncomfortable in front of a camera, you can write or record audios.

If you don't have time to write, videos and audios are faster to create.

Here’s some food for thought.

·         Written blog posts

·         Videos

·         Podcasts

·         E-books and e-guides

·         Images and infographics

Videos do really well on social media, especially Facebook live videos. Podcasts are also very popular as people listen to them during their commute to and from work. But it all depends on what your audience wants, and what you can create with the time and resources you have. 

You should also mix it up to appeal to different people, and see what produces the best results.

Download the Ultimate Content Planner here, and never be caught without something awesome to share.


3. Segment your target market

Are you targeting different segments or niches?

If so, consider creating different content specifically for each segment. It will increase the relevance of your content, and it will make it more appealing to your audience.

For example: If you are an interior designer or stylist you may like to write something specifically to expectant mothers about how to decorate their nursery, and something different for older couples downsizing. Make sure to mention your niche in the content title, to attract the right people to consume your content.

Segmenting your content will also give you more accurate insights and data. You can easily spot who you are attracting and their preferences.

The more specific you are in your content creation, the better the results you will achieve.


4. Use powerful headlines

The internet is flooded with content, so your headlines play a very important role. They will grab your audience’s attention.

Based on your headlines your audience will decide whether to click on it or not.  The first couple of sentences will help them decide whether to continue or leave.

Some headlines that work really well include an element of:

·         Curiosity

·         Controversy

·         Surprise

·         Value

·         How to (do something)

·         Little known secrets

·         Lists

·          Negativity – people are attracted by negative headlines. They are more interested in avoiding mistakes, or avoiding losing something than learning or gaining.  Surprised?


5. Offer content upgrades or freebies that complement your content


Try to include a freebie or a content upgrade with every piece of content you publish.

Free downloads can complement and elevate your content by giving something actionable to your audience. Plus, they help you build your email list, which is very important to develop a relationship withyour audience and get them to buy from you.

By the way, don’t place your freebie only at the end of the post. Not everyone will read your entire blog or watch your whole video. Place it throughout, just after each sub-heading.


6. Plan and schedule your content ahead of time.

Consistency is key. Your audience should be expecting to receive your content regularly.

There is no right or wrong, you may want to test first and see which days and times they are more likely to open your email or visit your blog.

Try to plan and create your content at least a month or two in advance, so you are not caught up without anything interesting to publish.

Planning and scheduling will also help you feel more relaxed and in control, rather than overwhelmed.

TIP: What I find really helpful is to have a theme for the month to help me come up with topics. 

Themes also create a sense of continuation, and make your audience curious and wanting to read/see/hear the next piece of the puzzle.

To help you plan your content in advance, I’m sharing my own content plannerDownload it here and start creating content that your audience will love, engage with, and share.

Have a question or comment? Leave them below or email me at hello@fabmarketing.com.au. I would love to hear how you are using my content planner, and the results you are seeing in your business.